ForeSight Payroll Software(FSPR)

The Payroll Software is an innovative and very powerful payroll system, designed for comprehensive employee pay processing and reporting. It can be used in a stand-alone PC, in a multiuser or in a Web-based environment. Being a locally developed product, it is compliant to the Kenyan Labour laws and iTax CSV upload files.


Special features

Comprehensive payroll database:The system has been developed on MySQL database which is free. In addition, it is the leading Open Source Relational database management system running over 70% of the world’s internet sites.

User definitions: The system allows the user to define unlimited new payment/deductions/benefits including automatic overtime payments and lost time deductions.User can define unlimited loan types including interest rates and repayment methods.

Adjustable statutory tax tables: The user can easily edit the statutory tax tables as well as introduce new statutory deductions.

Automatic pay processing: The system automatically computes gross pay, statutory deductions, loan balances, interest on loans and net pay.

Professional pay slips: Generates pay slips for each payroll period, reflecting transactions on payments and deductions, loans repayments and balances. System is capable of monitoring decreasing or increasing balances for deductions such as Cooperative shares, provident fund, salary advance etc. The balances will be reflected in the Pay slips.

Funds transfer module: Converts financial data into the format required by the banks to make payments, with the capability to automatically distribute it to multiple accounts. The system automatically calculates the statutory deductions such as PAYE, NHIF, NSSF, Provident funds, automatic relief for pension deduction and insurances policy on PAYE.

Security System:The system's hierarchical Security feature controls rights and restrictions of users to guard against unauthorized access to the system. In addition the system has a User Audit Trail that monitors transactions by user, as well as when they log in and out of the system. The system also, has backup/restore functionality, capable of having multiple payroll databases and Runs on single & multi-user environments.

Automatic Annual Salary Increment: System has capability to do annual salary increment based on salary scale and date of increment.

Automatic Termination: System suspends employees once their contract expiry date is reached. A report is available for those due for termination.

Time manager:Is used to record attendance and to calculate payment accordingly.

Integration:Payroll system is designed to integrate with Human Resources Module and foresight accounting.

Documentation:The system has online help and a manual.


Why use Foresight payroll Management System

  • Is affordable & customizable
  • It comes with after sale customer service
  • It saves time & eliminates tedious calculations
  • It is a reliable software that is currently in use in many sites
  • It is straightforward enough for novice users, yet comprehensive
  • Its enhanced reporting capability compiles & generates updated reports, in a format that gives your organization, a professional look.
  • The reports can be viewed on the PC or printed, or can also be exported to Microsoft Excel and CSV files or sent by electronic mail.


Foresight Payroll Management System Has the Following Reports:-

  • Email/SMS Password Protected Payslips, P9A
  • Master Roll
  • User Audit Trail
  • Payroll Summary
  • Employee Listing
  • Period variations journals
  • General Ledger Codes Listing
  • Designations / Job Groups Listing
  • P9A, p9A (Hosp), P10, P10A Returns
  • Payments / Deductions / Benefits Listing
  • Ledger Summary(by departments,stations)
  • All reports may be sorted by departments and stations
  • iTax CSV files
  • Cash Pay Sheet
  • Monthly Pay Slips
  • Employee Pay History
  • Pension Scheme Deduction
  • Pay Summaries by Department
  • Payments Analysis & Summary
  • Deductions Analysis & Summary
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
  • Monthly NHIF, NSSF, PAYE Returns
  • Bank Pay Sheet and payment summaries